"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

September 15, 2013

Morning Light 9-15-13

From ancient times, the church bells chimed
to open up our eyes,
with predawn light from Heaven's might,
to bold and brighter skies.

Above the crops and mountain tops
and score of evergreen -
this fleeting night sees hints of light -
though sun is not yet seen.

On baby blue an amber hue
now glows on fringe of clouds.
So few will glean this wondrous scene
throughout earth's massive crowds.

And here, in flaw, I stand in awe
as I stretch high my hands!
I want to touch - I do, so much -
but life has such demands.

I need some clothes, yet glad for those
who need be highly viewed -
and scarcely live that I might give
so others have some food.

My insides ache, for goodness sake,
for those who have to cope.
Oh, there's no gain from earthly pain
for those who have no hope.

I never knew what I could do -
for I am just a man.
But it's not strange that God can change
the heart that He began.

So now today, I see a ray
as clouds bright edges glisten.
A still, small voice is still the choice
if only we would listen.

Through fervent tears, beyond my years,
I see the birds are singing.
I harmonize now ears and eyes
as church bells keep on ringing.

From ancient times, the church bells chimed
to bold and brighter skies.
Now morning light from Heaven's might,
has opened up my eyes...

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 12, 2013

Those Nail Scars 9-12-13

Must we see it to believe it?
Must we ask the Lord if we
may touch His prints to get some hints
of what has come to be?

A 'doubting one' had seen God's Son.
He saw our Master's hands.
Did Thomas learn and then discern
mere facts to understand?

Are we to seek and take a peek
for proof so we might know?
Are we remiss within our bliss
that our faith fails to grow?

Those nail scars were never ours.
Pure sin had seized those crowds.
But in the end, Christ did ascend
up through the yielding clouds.

So many view, but there are few
who understand 'the fall'.
Through burdens' weight, our Lord was great -
then rose above it all!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 9, 2013

One More Day 9-9-13

My life is not worth one red cent
for I was never innocent.
I chose to live my selfish way -
and lived it every single day.
So soon prepared, rectangle hole.
They'll close the casket on my soul.
"For all have sinned" and it will be
that I had wished I'd lived for thee.

And when they lay me down to sleep -
they'll dig that hole and dig it deep.
Lost soul, forever, under sod
who lived for 'self' instead of God.
If I had known grace can't be bought,
if I had given life more thought...
If God would grant me one more day,
I'll be sincere and this I'll pray:

"Please humble me, I quote the hymn,
"without one plea...", "just as I am..."
Please grant me faith instead of grief
and save me as you did the thief
who humbled self, who was a man,
who did repent as I, too, can.
Forgive my debts, forgive my sins,
then help me boldly tell my friends."

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 5, 2013

Know It All 9-5-13

While robins sing, alarm clocks ring -
and our whole day is planned.
Birds perch steady.  We get ready.
We settle in quicksand.

The leopard lurks while we're at work.
It seeks its fragile prey.
Important though, our Savior know -
yet we still fail to pray.

Forgetting cross, we please our boss,
while truth is right at hand.
God's loving face and lasting grace -
yet we don't understand.

Do you know what?  Our minds are shut,
when we hear Jesus call.
A life of ease - and then Hades.
We think we know it all.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 31, 2013

Your Word 8-31-13

Why can't I write one poem, Lord,
that gathers people 'round,
that opens eyes and opens hearts
to all Your truths I've found -
among the pages of Your Book,
which tells me how to live -
which tells life's truths, both good and bad -
and how I should forgive?

Why can't I write one poem, Lord,
that brings the people 'round,
and opens hearts so they forgive
so that Your peace is found -
Your peace of dulcet harmony
which flows from day to day,
which brings us closer to Your Word -
and shows us how to pray?

Why can't I write one poem, Lord,
that calls all wicked, wild,
the selfish men, bad women too -
and every sinful child -
who desecrate Your garden, Lord,
who desecrate Your laws,
who desecrate Your truth and love...
and then wait for applause?

Why can't I write one poem, Lord,
that brings the people 'round,
so they'd forgive the other folks
and hopefully be found -
sitting on the many pews
inside these hallowed halls,
inside our humble churches where -
a still, small voice still calls?

Lord, You are much greater than
my sorted words can brag,
coming from this shaky hand
attached to this old rag.
But maybe this reminder here
can make us humbly look -
at not a bunch of rhyming words,
but rather at Your Book?

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 22, 2013

Beheaded 8-22-13

What could it be?  They tortured me
as others stood around.
They seized me tight.  There was no fight.
They threw me to the ground.

There was no ease, down on my knees.
And then I overheard,
Kill him!  Kill him!  It was grim.
They shoved my head forward.

Through their disgust, I tasted dust -
my face against the dirt.
I felt the weight of all their hate
and then I heard them blurt,

Deny! Deny! - or you will die!
With that, one raised his sword.
In dampened eyes I shared my cries,
"Oh, please forgive them Lord!"

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


The war against those who love others continues.
There is violence against many loving Christians
who have never hurt anyone- but only helped others-
the sick, the elderly, the children.
The killings and church burnings continue.
We, the people, either stand up for
the peaceful, the meek, the humble and the innocent,
or we stand against them.
There is no in-between.
There is no 'sitting on the fence'. (Rev. 3:16).
Educate yourself,
then pray, then help, then vote.
Every minute matters.
If, indeed, you love others,
please give to your local church missions,
print this out and pass it on...
Thank you!

August 20, 2013

The Straight and Narrow 8-20-13

Celestial grace pours down on me.
Your love has filled my heart.
Rejoice, I do, when I'm with You,
but life tears me apart.
I pray, "Dear Lord, please give me strength.
Sometimes I can't go on...
Does Your sparrow not have shelter
from things it comes upon?

"Yea, though I walk through the valley,
where evil so abounds,
I did not know that Your path Lord,
would have such 'ups and downs'.
They take my house, possessions too,
but You say 'follow me'.
So faithfully, I stumble on.
Was this all meant to be?

"Yea, though I walk the shadow through,
which covers all the grounds...
I did not know that Your path Lord,
would have such 'ups and downs'.
The future's dark, so go, how I?
Oh, what am I to do?
I often find it slippery
as I reach out to You.

"Yea, though I walk through horrid death,
I hear its helpless sounds...
I did not know that Your path Lord,
would have such 'ups and downs'."
His way is seldom easy,
and downright serious -
but yet I know it's not as hard
as nails that held Jesus.

His way is met with 'ups and downs'.
It's often slippery.
Sometimes I feel incapable -
and tempted so, to flee.
But it is then that I recall
that He protects the sparrow -
so faithfully I drag my cross
here on the straight and narrow.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Psalm 23:4 (KJV)
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate:
for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction,
and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life,
and few there be that find it.

Matthew 10:30-32 (KJV)
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men,

him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

August 15, 2013

Much More Courage 8-15-13

I got no dad that I know of.
My mama's scarcely seen.
My aunt takes care of all of us.
Her boyfriend's really mean.
There's danger on my city street,
there's danger in my school,
there's danger at my local store -
if I'm not lookin' cool.

I've come too far to turn back now,
I've come too far to change.
I've come too far inside the gang -
you prob'ly think I'm strange.
If I don't have the tattoo'd marks
with gang I'm runnin' in -
If I don't have my gun and knife,
there's no way I will win.

I've learned my lesson, know it well.
and if I have to chance -
I'll use my gun if there's a need.
The fittest will romance -
and start the cycle once again
to bring another child
into the war zone I'm in now
where hate and anger's wild.

Ya' think God's Ten Commandments here
will do us any good?
Our culture isn't going to change
from here within 'the hood'.
"Thou shalt not kill", "thou shalt not steal" -
Who listens to them words?
And even your Supreme Court said
those words are 'for the birds'.

No, I grew up in culture where
there is no safe escape -
where sirens fill the midnight skies
and morning finds bright tape -
surrounding yet another scene
where one more body lay -
where each one has an answer for -
...but has nothing to say.

I cried when I saw sister there -
my little flower bud -
her smiling face, forever gone
inside her pool of blood.
It's not a 'group' that must be saved,
but individuals -
and I pray now that God would shake
their thick and stubborn skulls.

Some good old-fashioned discipline
is needed once again.
Respect is needed - and despite
the color of the skin.
And every individual
must learn it from God's Son.
It takes a real man to love.
It starts with only one.

Am I the one to lead this gang
that they be real men -
where we can live in full respect
and humbleness again?
Some think they're tough when they can hold
a gun to garner fear -
but now I know it takes more guts
to shed one loving tear.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


(This poem was written not to judge but rather to save lives and souls.
It involves ALL cultures to some degree or another because
we all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.

The culture is obvious to all of us.  The 'fault' is not to argue.

America's "melting pot" MUST have ingredients that melt and God MUST be in that mix.
The ONLY solution to gang violence is our confession, our repentance,
our forgiveness and our faithfulness through God's grace.

If respect is lost, there is no obedience to the parents, the teachers or the law.
REAL discipline does not embarrass the child in public (find a quiet place),
nor does it hit, slap, yell, denigrate the child or show disrespect -
but rather understands, uplifts, reasons, educates, loves and is most always mixed with tears.)

August 12, 2013

Splash! 8-12-13

Oh, splash!  Your feet in puddle went - and there, without a doubt,
how blissful 'twas, to be a kid, as water splashed about.
Your life was fun and easy then.  You lived a life of ease.
And very far and few between, responsibilities.

And how you've learned your every right as those truths went to seed.
Although you didn't know it then, you grew up under greed.
You've made demands for 'this and that'. You've voted your own way.
and you gave little thought - that one day someone has to pay.

No love can rid the kids of hate.  That anger's deep within -
but don't say 'God' or pray in schools - for that would be a sin.
You hate the Ten Commandments, (you know, don't steal or kill).
It only matters - you're not shot as morals go downhill.

Now it's no fault of criminals.  You'd best just run off quick.
They have the right to stand their ground.  You hear the door locks click.
And when they break into your house, be glad that you're 'gun free'.
Just make a call to 9-1-1.  They'll come, just wait and see...

You terrorize Conservatives from Detroit's ghostly town.
You're getting high on cannabis while Rome is burning down.
You hate it when some seek the truth, exposing every cronie -
but they've convinced you followers that everything is phoney.

The IRS, the NSA - they 'plead the fifth' and lie -
but if you owe a dollar more, they'll make you want to cry.
Benghazi - "What's it matter?"  They said it wasn't true.
There's nothing you should care about - unless it affects you.

They talk you into circles while they throw you into mazes.
You're voting for your pocketbooks.  They're voting for their raises.
You thought your perfect job secure.  You've been there many years -
but as employment dissipates, you'll soon be left in tears.

Do not expect full raises and - to cut your spending, (half).
Get trained to flip a burger now.  Diplomas are a laugh.
Oh sure, you've stepped on other folks - and yes, there is no doubt -
you've trampled each last liberty.  Now freedoms you're without.

You've forfeited and voided each and every Bill of Right.
Your ignorance, embarrassing, but claim your future's bright.
The 'land of opportunity'?  About it, do not think.
Elitists burned the Constitution.  It is now extinct.

You're slaves, but they've convinced you that they work on your behalf.
The poor get poorer, rich get richer - ohhh, but they can laugh!
Who cares that they get richer now?  Just pass another beer!
Celebrate, you liberals - your socialism's here!

You kill a healthy pregnancy - then ask you're treated fair -
and mandate others are insured to pay for your health care.
 They will watch your every move and make sure you don't cheat -
and wait 'til they put limits on the food that you will eat.

You get your way in everything.  You think you know it all.
You voiced your hard opinions loud. Your arrogance stands tall.
And so you worship your own 'god' as you invent your cult.
You've lost your soul and liberties - but it was Bush's fault.

Yes, splash!  Your feet on freedoms go - and now, without a doubt,
you think it's bliss to be naive - but you will thrash about.
You've made their lives so easy now as they live lives of ease -
as they exempt themselves from all... responsibilities.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 3, 2013

Everything To God 8-3-13

For God so loves the 'least of these'.
He knows you love them too.
And though they're very needy, they
are always watching you.

Though you are very special,
you're always very poor.
Though ample, your possessions here,
there's nothing you've worked for.

You work so hard.  Accomplishments?
There's nothing on your list.
You're nothing to this sinful world.
To them, you just exist.

Your works are but a filthy rag.
Deep wrinkles fill your face.
But unlike many people here
you have accepted grace.

You pray for ALL your enemies.
You love instead of hate.
Oh, you are very special -
but do not think you're great.

Your faithfulness just seems to grow -
yet you seem unfulfilled.
You think you're going nowhere fast...
Your busy days are filled.

And that's how Satan tears you down.
The masses think you're odd.
You're nothing to this sinful world...
but everything to God!

For God so loves the 'least of these'.
He knows you love them too.
And though they're very needy, they
are always watching you.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 15, 2013

Twenty Third Psalm 7-15-13

"The Lord is my Shepherd"
who I will heed.
"I shall not want."
I shall not 'need'.

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."
He brings me peace.
I shall not want.
All burdens cease.

"He leadeth me beside the still waters."
For He calmed them.
I shall not want.
How loved I am.

"He restoreth my soul."
I now can see.
I shall not want
He graces me.

"He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
- straight and narrow.
I shall not want.
He lights shadows.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,"
I fear nothing.
I shall not want
for anything.

"For thou art with me,"
my Protector.
I shall not want.
I had before.

"Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me,"
They soothe my soul.
I shall not want.
He's in control.

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies."
I shall not hate.
I shall not want.
My God is great.

"Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over,"
His blessings last.
I shall not want.
His love is vast.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;"
even in prison.
I shall not want
for Christ is risen.

"and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
I am in awe.
I shall not want.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Psalm 23 King James Version (KJV)

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul:
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

July 14, 2013

Who Am I? 7-14-13

One's a doctor, one's a nurse,
both are focused, both diverse.
They work hard for common good
and always did the best they could.
But who will listen to my cry?
Oh say, dear Jesus, who am I?

Now politics is quite a fight,
one is left-wing, one is right.
Deception knows each shifty smile
and bribing voters seems worthwhile.
But who will listen to my cry?
Oh say, dear Jesus, who am I?

One's in business, one is not
one's paid little, one a lot.
Now they have bills to pay, of course -
and money is a driving force.
But who will listen to my cry?
Oh say, dear Jesus, who am I?

One's a pastor, one's a priest -
one's out west and one's out east.
They're on TV with caring looks
while selling DVD's and books.
But who will listen to my cries?
Oh say, dear Jesus, who am I?

One is sick and one is broke
and one is mute when something's spoke.
Now these are me, myself and I.
"Please listen, Jesus, to my cry!
Oh, answer Jesus, if you please..."
He promptly said, "The least of these."

His words had flowed as if in rhyme,
for He had spoken one more time.
"Now when you cry but no one hears,
just pray to me.  I'll dry your tears.
For you're the branch and I'm the vine,
you bear good fruit because you're mine."

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 15:5 (NASB)
"I am the vine, you are the branches;
he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit,
for apart from Me you can do nothing."

July 4, 2013

Greater Blizzards Blow 7-4-13

Great men, great men, will always be -
and have since long ago -
as God creates the blizzards
and settles all the snow.

Great men, great men, exalt yourselves.
You win, again, again.
You've purchased by the hour -
the lives of poorer men.

Great men, great men, indulge yourselves.
You've built your castles high!
Immerse yourselves in glory as
your lesser peasants cry.

Great men, great men, reward yourselves.
Ride in your limousines.
Vacation in your travels far
and greet both kings and queens.

Great men, great men, applaud yourselves
in all that you may do -
with parties and exquisite gifts
so we're impressed with you.

Great men, great men, do you deserve
the best life has to give?
Should all your servants pamper you?
Will all your rivals live?

Great men, you may extol yourselves
but Christ's blood shall not stop...
And all the money in the world
won't buy a single drop.

And all great men will be known then,
when every servant prays...
"Forgive them Father.  They know not
the snow upon their graves."

So very quickly great men pass.
God's greater blizzards blow.
And where God sends the great man's soul,
eternity will know.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 28, 2013

Dear IRS 6-28-13

Dear IRS:

It doesn't make sense
proving our innocence.
We're sorry for all of this fuss...
but how does it feel
pushed back on your heels -
like you've done to most all of us?

You can't get a handle
on criminal scandals.
The rules you break are your own.
Your head's in a fog.
You live 'high on the hog' -
while our children are chewing the bone.

Now who can control
all you arrogant souls?
You hide behind bulletproof glass.
You've wasted our money
and you think it's funny -
but this time you won't get a pass.

The truth you will shift
as you're 'pleading the fifth'.
Your actions stink worse than a sewer.
Your laughable lies
are now spreading like flies -
in a barnyard that's full of manure.

You trade each, your praises,
then give yourselves raises -
and now you're paid more than before!
You claim you are sorry
but sip on your chablis -
then ask for a billion bucks more!

Your image, you've wrecked.
You have lost our respect -
and if graded, you'd certainly fail.
We know you'll be whining
when you start resigning
and we throw your buttocks in jail.

If not behind bars
we will ship you to mars -
for your cesspool-ing policies stink.
Good morals are rarer -
the 'Fair Tax' is fairer -
and now you shall soon be extinct.

The "Fair Tax"

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 27, 2013

As Breezes Blow 6-27-13

As breezes blow us out in drove,
we utter, flutter through the grove.
But smile among God's treasure trove!
Lightning flashes plunder under
clouds as thunder comes asunder!
God's creation has me wonder...

The pounding showers seem to cower -
devouring this fragile flower.
God's creation, massive power!

And don't forget as sunsets hit -
more storm clouds threaten as of yet.
God's creation, sopping wet.

The darkness heightens, but thereafter
sunlight brightens morning after -
as God creates a child's laughter!

The bud, the rose, the bloom of it -
then growth again, should He permit.
God's creation - so exquisite!

And from it all, great waterfalls.
Still I crawl.  My stature stalls -
as all of God's creation calls...

from two dead logs which laid across,
together nailed to form a cross.
Creation's gain brought Heaven's loss.

But garden rose of deep maroon
with monarch's flutter from cocoon -
sees virgin birth returning soon!

Oh, how all nature seems to shout,
"We tell you what it's all about!"
Creation lives - without a doubt!

Should I have known this all along?
Now tell me, "Where do I belong?"
Creation prays for Heaven's song!

And choreographed, they wave in wind -
two willows whisper standing twinned.
God's creation without end.

The nations' notions have accrued -
turned up-side-down, this world skewed.
Ever endeavor servitude.

Am I sincere and persevere
or rather simple breezes fear -
through year and year and year and year?

While every nation brings taxation -
God through faith, brings grace, salvation!
Praise Him! Sanctification!!
As breezes blow us out in drove,
we utter, flutter through the grove -
but smile among God's treasure trove!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 25, 2013

Dad's Guitar 6-25-13

Oh, I still hear them from afar -
the strumming strings of dad's guitar.
I reminisce, my memory looms,
as I recall those Gospel tunes.

Respecting others was the rule
each week before our Sunday School
when all the children gathered 'round,
where love for God was always found.

The songs were simple, undisguised.
The children had them memorized.
With message certain, "Do not sin"
the many voices chimed right in.

The little children, guests unnamed,
all sang with voices unashamed.
They sang with all their hearts' desire
with love that raged as spreading fire.

Their simple passion met my ears
and turned emotions into tears.
Though sometimes dad would sing alone,
their smiling faces always shone.

So blessed we were to see the joy,
on every little girl and boy.
Approval came from pastor's nod
as every soul had praised our God.

I reminisce, my memory looms,
as I recall those Gospel tunes.
And I still hear them from afar -
the strumming strings of dad's guitar.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 12, 2013

God's Garden Blooms! 6-12-13

My flower bed had been prepared...
With sacrificing toil -
I'd cultivated, fertilized
the rich, organic soil.
Surrounded by a picket fence,
(a short one painted white) -
it seemed to frame a picture that
was sure a pretty sight.

But absent, garden's bloom.

Though warmth came with the sunshine
and moisture with the rain -
and though I pulled out every weed,
my work was all in vain.
Now why were my vast working hours
I knew were loving deeds,
all proving to be futile -
without mere flower seeds?

Where was the garden's bloom?

"For God so loved the world, that
He gave His only Son..."
The time was past to plant the seed
to see a job well-done.
So flawless is my garden now
with seeds set in the ground -
but faith must wait for grace to touch
the heart until He's found.

Await the gardens bloom...

Then when I least expect results
I see some little sprouts -
that grow from living water as
mere souls begin to shout.
Nights' dark and patient hours end.
The day brings joyous light.
The days have grown His blessings vast -
with souls so vibrant, bright!

Now watch God's garden bloom!

From children, teens and fathers,
from grandma's faithful heart -
from every corner of the earth
watch great compassion start!
For every blooming flower proves
that grace and faith survive,
that Jesus lives within our hearts -
that God is still alive!

And oh, my soul blooms!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 7, 2013

One Final Tear 6-7-13

The heart determines how they flow -
and why they come so fast -
as tears pour down in numbers from
the first to very last.

Long tears were streaming down my face -
for something bad occurred.
And though I focused on my pain -
a distant cry I heard.

Since Eden's lovely garden time,
no tear could so convey,
a love that reached all pinnacles,
as one from Jesus' day.

I sit and ponder now and then
behind my tears until -
I must accept that God knows best -
and understands me still.

Yes, Jesus knows my sorrows and -
He knows my every fear.
He knows my every burden and -
He knows my every tear.

I wonder then, of all the tears,
which rids me of my grief?
And which tear holds the answer to
my comfort, peace, relief?

Before His death, His tears were great.
He loved me through those nails...
And then one final tear was shed -
for Jesus never fails.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 22, 2013

Oh, Tiny Bud 5-22-13

Oh, tiny bud here on this branch
and many more that have no chance
in this dark world that no one sees -
the lost and silent "least of these".

They're covered up by others full,
with blooming blossoms, beautiful -
that dance so freely in the wind -
but oh, they do not know they've sinned.

The 'winners' flaunt their daily lives
when pride's indulging self arrives -
ignoring young and helpless, those
with hungry gut and dirty clothes.

While all those 'winners' seem to choose
different blossoms, different hues -
the traffic, loud, goes flying by.
...Seems no one cares which makes me cry.

But time will tell on judgement day
when all their wealth will have no say.
Still, God allows both rain and mud
and nourishes this tiny bud.

Oh, tiny bud here on this branch
and many more that have no chance
in this dark world that no one sees -
the lost and silent "least of these".

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 13, 2013

In Melodies 5-13-13

As seagulls soar above the seas -
as busy as the honey bees -
and free of want, of any need,
light fingers float on ivory keys.

My arms reach out and grope so much
to sounds my soul seems deemed to clutch.
The music makes my soul sing out.
How eloquent- how soft the touch.

The melody I hear again.
My cheeks are soaked down to my chin -
I listen more- a hundred times!
How can I store them all within?

If I could mute out all the 'norm'
with notes so delicately warm -
so we, God's face, in them could see -
oh how, if I could so perform...

And yet the keys were touched so crisp,
that even sounds from roses lisp
had scattered petals through the sky,
that danced both to and fro in wisp.

Descending tenderly they near
and float emotions on my ear -
in melodies with eloquence -
that softly fade- then disappear...

The missing notes, God does forgive.
Instead of taking, I should give -
in love, as Jesus gave to me.
My life, like music, I must live.

(inspired by the musical talent of Mark Greer)

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
