"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

December 7, 2019

Shepherd's Christmas 12-7-19

We watched the flock, the sheep were still.
The night was calm right up until...
the sky lit up! An angel came!
It frightened us! We weren't the same.

Near Bethlehem, we were that night,
and frightened were, at such a sight.
Then when I stilled, an angel spoke,
with message clear, for all us folk.

I bring you tidings of great joy.
In manger hay, you'll find a boy.
In strips of cloth, in loving care,
in Bethlehem, you'll see Him there.

Inside a stable built with board,
you'll find your Savior, Christ the Lord.
Then suddenly we saw the most,
a multitude of Heavn'ly host!

I heard, when sky turned brightest,
"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth, peace... toward men."
with echo heard again, again.

And then those words, "Don't be afraid..."
Go see the place where Christ is laid.
And so the time, we didn't waste.
We left right then.  We left in haste.

When we arrived, it was as told.
It was a sight worth more than gold.
The Inn was full, but He was kept
inside a stable as He slept.

I fell to knees near humble child.
Dear Mary saw and simply smiled.
The floor was straw on dirt and dust.
I thought it odd and so unjust.

Deserved He more, much more than this,
with crown of pearls and happiness.
A Savior good, for all to see.
A Savior great, should one day be.

In fact, this child should be a king
that rules over everything!
It saddens though, God had to give,
His only Son so I could live.

I felt much dampness on my face,
for this was now a sacred place.
Through tears of joy, they saw us pray.
We saw it all that Christmas Day.

©2019 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
