"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

November 4, 2012

An Old Abandoned Cabin 11-4-12

Nestled in a valley in a clearing of large oak,
while sunlight touched but treetops where the baby robins woke,
stood an old abandoned cabin that had seen some better days,
had once seen better fam'lies and had once seen better ways.
A little stream meandered by with water clean and pure
that seemed to say, "Come drink from me.  Your problems, I will cure."
And sparkled bright, the diamonds that had glistened in the sky,
as did the dew on God's green earth that blessed the patient eye.

Hither, yon the squirrels worked and did what squirrels do.
They shared their ample spacious trees where little finches flew -
where trees wore brilliant yellow, red and golden colored suits
where leaves had wiggled in the breeze among leftover fruits.
But when the sun had cleared the hill and peeked above the trees
exposing all the guilt of man and sin that Heaven sees -
it brought to light the darkness deep inside those timbered wall,
where dust and cobwebs fought a war and won man's mighty fall.

Now just a second, let's step back and tell me how they can -
how tiny little spiders beat the big and mighty man?
Just maybe, man with ego big, was thought too big to fail -
and now the dust and spiderwebs own every board and nail.
That cabin once was filled with 'men', with love and life and health,
but now sits there abandoned and long gone his pride and wealth.
I once knew well the fam'ly who had lived inside those walls
of that abandoned cabin where our Savior's voice still calls.

If mighty man's big head was pulled along with his conceit
from clouds so he'd descend back down and settle on his feet -
then maybe he could still enjoy the cabin in the trees
and persevere through patience with the autumn colored leaves -
that dance above the cabin roof, that seem to taunt en mass -
to each and every one of us until possessions pass -
that man was beaten down by bugs who haven't any clue
that God is still in full control over me and you...

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 1, 2012

Christmas Eyes 11-1-12

My mama was a loving spouse who did her very best
to keep my father happy and she never did protest -
to what my father said and did to add to her abuse -
and all the things I saw him do.  There wasn't an excuse.
My father was a spiteful man who argued quite a lot
and it had hurt my mama so that she became distraught..
I pulled weeds from her garden and I chopped a lot of wood
that heated up our cooking stove.  I helped her all I could.
As we prepared for Christmas Day and all that was in store,
enjoyed, I did, those special times with mama even more.
Yes, more than any other month could ever even boast,
December was that special time that we enjoyed the most.

One cold December morning came when father went to find,
a full and perfect Norway Spruce.  (I tagged along behind).
The woods were vast.  There must have been a million evergreen
which held a billion snowflakes out in sparkling winter scene.
Reflective sunlight shimmered bright which made my eyelids squint
so I looked down and found that all my footsteps made a print -
in snow so fun to walk through as it crushed beneath my feet -
(although at times the drifts caused me to detour or retreat).
That made me pause and catch a glimpse of smoke from fireplace
meandering above our house so wanting to embrace -
a family fraught with nervous fears and silent times 'to boot' -
as father, with his ego big, had muffled mama mute.

But fragrance from the many pine had found my little nose -
and tiny snowflakes glistened while they settled on our clothes -
reminding me that all is well despite my parents quarrels
and I could choose a better life with character and morals -
to live a life, not crooked, as we trekked from place to place -
to find that perfect tree to decorate our living space.
We trampled each direction and at last he gave a sigh.
We finally found that perfect spruce - my father, saw and I.
The night was strangely silent as we sat around our tree
when mom's love and compassion had been proven true to me.
Out through the corner of my eye, I viewed dejected years -
and though she tried to hold them back, I saw her lonely tears.

Throughout that night the light escaped reflecting off the floor,
and whispered prayers were carried out from underneath her door...
But light no longer flickers from the candles flaming tips
and silenced too, are verses that I heard from mama's lips.
I know that father long regrets his former wicked ways -
but through my tears, I won't forget those special Christmas days
with scenes of the Nativity and tree exactly right,
with memories of mama and the truth that came to light.
Yes, this was many years ago that father and I spied -
then cut that perfect Norway Spruce the day before she died.
I heard his weeping through the door - such deep, repentant cries -
but now he sees as mama did... through humble Christmas eyes.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Romans 10 (NASB)
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”
—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord,
and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness,
and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.”
12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek;
for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;
13 for “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

October 30, 2012

Christian Poets 10-30-12

We love, remember, reminisce -
God's Christian poets who we miss...
but will, in Heaven, together be,
to praise again in poetry~!

2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 25, 2012

His Work 10-25-12

He laid a sheet of paper down
upon a table top -
and from his chair he wrote and wrote
so faithfully, non-stop.

They laughed at him and bragged about
the works that they had done.
They filled vast reams of papers, yet -
he had but only one.

They boasted of their many works
their fancy hands exposed.
Great works in rich calligraphy
were pridefully disclosed.

Again they stood around and laughed,
but never did he gloat.
They laughed and scoffed and scoffed and laughed
at everything he wrote..

His life was written on one page -
but what? I didn't know.
The paper he had laying there
was white as driven snow.

Sorrow filled his teary face.
This world fatigued his soul.
The agony that he endured
had taken quite a toll.

I saw that many people judged,
made fun of and demeaned,
ridiculed and criticized
his lack of works they'd seen.

Yet faithfully, he wrote much more.
Were no works written there?
Still blank, his paper had appeared.
I thought it quite unfair.

Unfair that he was working hard
on words that wouldn't be.
Unfair that he was judged by those
on work they couldn't see.

Sometimes we think life's all in vain -
those things we do for God -
but He knows every one of us
and how, through life, we've trod.

It's not the works that we can see
that's valued on our page -
but rather what was done in love
that God will one day gauge.

So why was it completely blank?
Confused, I stopped to think -
but then I learned his work was penned
with tears instead of ink.

Yes, God knows our compassion.
So ponder this, it's true:
God floods His grace upon His world,
gets faithfulness from few.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 24, 2012

Where Are You Lord? 10-24-12

I searched and searched but couldn't find -
along still waters I was blind.
I was confused, I was dismayed
until I stopped, until I prayed...

Where are You Lord?

Soften my selfish eyes that stray
that I might see a better way -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften my selfish ears of choice
that I might hear Your still, small voice -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften my selfish hands that wring
that can't hold firm to Your blessing -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften my straight and prideful nose
that I won't judge and won't suppose -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften my foolish, selfish words
so I'll enjoy Your singing birds -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften me as a potter would
who'll mold me into what I should -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften me with a discipline
that I might stop, turn, then begin -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Soften my selfish heart so I
might feel the hurt, the faintest cry -
so I can find You.

Where are You Lord?

Were still waters meant to be?
Although I searched, I couldn't see.
Yet there behind me all the way
was Jesus.  Then I heard Him say,

"I am in all
nature, beauty and goodness,
power, supremacy and holiness,
wrath, sovereignty and greatness,
mercy, compassion and fairness,
grace, knowledge and boldness,
respect, teaching and kindness,
love, patience and faithfulness,
loyalty, giving and happiness,
peace, joy and gladness".

I had searched, but couldn't see -
and I was at a loss -
until I stopped and He found me -
from high upon a cross.

So now it is
I follow Him -
in hands that are the Potter's -
faithfully and steadfast,
with endurance and perseverance,
along His peaceful waters.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 14, 2012

Washed Away 10-14-12

Do our hearts ache when swift waves break
and wash up sandy beach
or do the waves sing, "Jesus saves!"
when up on beaches reach?
Does 'make life fair' entwine our prayer
though time cannot reverse?
His divine force would change our course
for better - not for worse.

Our free-will stalk will alter walk.
We travel where we will.
Through other lands or beach head sands,
we'll traverse on until -
our final stride meets where we died
and breath no longer flows -
and final prints expose all hints.
...for that is how life goes.

As I looked back, my lifelong track -
I was so much dismayed.
I persevered - but disappeared
those tracks in life I made.
My earthly talk was not all walk.
Again I look around.
With seashore grim, so stunned I am.
My prints cannot be found.

All lost one day and washed away -
a life I lived in haste -
and purpose quashed when prints were washed,
away - ohhh, what a waste!
I don't succumb, but ponder some -
now when I bow to pray.
And so it was, His waves, because
He washed my sins away!

Divine, His grace, hung in my place
when Jesus died instead.
With sins forgiv'n, I bound for Heav'n.
My earthly work is dead.
Let heart not ache, when waves should break
to smooth out wicked beach -
but follow yon His footsteps on,
'til destination reach.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 23, 2012

Prayer of Thanksgiving 9-23-12

This table, set with centerpiece,
fine china, silverware -
has food prepared deliciously
with tender loving care.
With hungry eye, I relish this -
this meal, my daily bread -
then fold my hands and bow my head
before my prayer is said.

I do recite it quick and slurred,
though with the best intent -
and now that grace is said and heard,
it is a blessed event.
The phrases I was taught to say
were pressed down deep in me -
but words are empty without thoughts
of pure sincerity.

Yes, just before I eat, I pray,
but there's a place so crude
which moves me closer to the truth -
that others have no food.
It haunts me as I look around, the
visions of the starved -
who wide-eyed blankly stare at me
behind my turkey, carved.

I see their bloated tummies and
the flies around their eyes.
I hear soft moans from babies lips,
and echoes of their cries.
I taste the mush that they call food.
It lingers on my breath.
I feel the tears start down my cheeks.
I smell the stench of death.

I hesitate with my first bite,
then ask myself, "Do I
really care they're teary eyed
and hungry 'til they die?"
I pray that all the "least of these"
are eating well in Heav'n.
Please help me Lord, to understand
the blessings I was giv'n.

So now when I recite my prayer,
as I sit down to feast,
I ask myself if I'm sincere
and thankful in the least.
For that's when I can hear my voice
ascending to His ear.
He knows if I speak empty words
or if I am sincere.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 21, 2012

See Me Through 9-21-12

I'm ragged and I'm hungry.
My needs I can't afford.
My debts are huge and piling up.
Please lift me through it Lord.

I've served my country, served it well,
I've fought the gun and sword.
Though I survived, it's difficult -
please help me through it Lord.

An accident has left me lame,
I cannot be restored -
'cept through a gracious miracle.
Please walk me through it Lord.

I've lost my dear and loving spouse,
and I'm so lonely, bored.
Please speak to me with scripture now
and hold me through it Lord.

I was so blind in all my sin.
Your grace I had ignored.
Now through Your love and sacrifice,
please save me through it Lord.

Finally on my deathbed, I'm
about to get on-board -
a ship that takes me there to You.
Please see me through it Lord.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 11, 2012

Beautiful 9-11-12

As vivid as a sunlight's ray atop each sturdy stem,
those bright and yellow flowers.  Could anyone condemn?
And others as the bluest sky in deep and vivid hue -
Now who could find more beauty in that panoramic view?

In eyes of the beholders,  conclusions are foregone,
but they're like sin down in your heart when scattered on your lawn.
The dandelion and chicory are pesky little weeds.
You might think they are beautiful, but kill those nasty seeds...

And this is how deceptive sins, work down inside the head.
As pretty as a flower's bloom - but ugly so, instead.
Now faithfulness in God alone prevents sin's every trace -
and every kind of sinful weed ...through everlasting grace.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 8, 2012

Good Intentions 9-8-12

Our beautiful intentions come when things are not at peace.
Those good intentions carry us.  We like that duties cease.
But beautiful intentions bring us nothing but insults,
to all the great performing tasks that bring about results.

Do thoughts of great intentions come in plans so very swirled
that bind us up as hostages in this old wicked world?
Intentions are the greatest but am I still drawn to sin,
when actions are but only thoughts and work need not begin?

Despite intentions beautiful, We've now begun to hate
these lands of vast utopia on clouds that dissipate.
Our dreams come crashing down when we're deceived that weather's fair.
Foundation's can't be only poured on well intentioned prayer.

What if Christ had good intentions that were not applied
and He had stayed up there in Heav'n and wasn't crucified?
But God has never, never failed and He waits for us still.
Our good intentions won't bring change ...but faithfulness sure will!

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Galatians 5:22,23 (NASB)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.