"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

April 25, 2020

Lonely Lost Poet 4-25-20

I wanted to write but saw forest instead
while loud chirping noises were filling my head.
"Go away!" the birds chirped, "We don't want you here!"
So off I had gone when I came across deer.

The deer were so startled, they ran away fast
with two frightened squirrels that also raced past.
The bugs and the butterflies seemed not to care.
I plopped myself down on a stump to prepare.

I heard eerie sounds when the wind pushed the trees,
but sounds were not words I could write down with ease.
The high-above limbs had creaked strangely in sway
and darkened surroundings in most frightful way.

My phrases eluded and wouldn't take shape
here stuck in this forest without an escape.
Distractions harassed me and it was not right.
Disturbed concentrations did not let me write.

This lost, lonely poet, still empty of rhyme,
gave way to the thought that it just wasn't time
to find my way out of this forest of words
still hearing the echo of mean heckling birds.

I thought, "I'll not bother to pen one today"
so wadded my paper and tossed it away.
The winds didn't care- in fact, nobody knew
it flew right across the small clearing from view.

As wind grew momentum, my work was in vain.
A chill ran down through me.  It started to rain.
Self-pity took over.  I drowned in my fears
as rain streaked my cheeks all commingled with tears.

"But wait!" I then jabbered, "just look what God's done!
He wrote this here poem and wrote it in fun."
I'll not be discouraged when mind has turned numb.
I'll not sit here sulking when words do not come.

The rain had stopped falling.  Clouds faded away.
And trees disappeared as I went on my way.
To tune out distractions and those noisy birds
just listen intently for God's greater words...

©2020 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 22, 2020

The Very Last Time 3-22-20

Could I be like mother?
Do I have the time?
She seemed so angelic
and seemed so sublime.

We all have to work
for days at a time.
A difficult struggle
and very hard climb.

I labored and slaved
through years of hard time.
I scratched for - and saved it,
but it was a crime.

And focused on God?  No.
I lost it in time.
His will, not my purpose,
but dollar and dime.

I now live for Jesus.
I give Him my time.
My life of enjoyment,
completed in rhyme.

But now I see mom for
the very last time.
I turn from her casket
...and hear the bell chime.

©2020 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


February 21, 2020

What the Little Do 2-20-20

A teeny ant thought he was great.
He watched those other ants.
Atop a tiny blade of grass
he bragged in tiny chants.

A tiny toad thought he was best,
believing others bad.
And there he sat day after day,
atop a lillypad.

A little bird thought he was tops
above the other nine.
And chirped, he proudly, ev'ry day
perched on a twisted vine.

And then a big ol' grizzly bear
shook earth while running by.
The ant, the toad and little bird -
in fear, they thought they'd die!

So off in fear, they scattered fast.
I laughed at all of them.
Their attitudes and downright pride
were things I would condemn.

Then as I looked around me too,
my wand'ring eyes did search.
Did I see other hypocrites
inside my little church?

A teeny, tiny, little man
was sitting in my pride.
And there I stayed day after day
and could have 'til I died.

But humbled was, when Jesus knocked
at my heart's wicked door.
His nail-scarred hands reached out to me
as I dropped to the floor.

Behind my blurry, tearfilled eyes
I knew I wasn't strong.
This teeny, tiny, little man
knew I was very wrong.

The ant, the toad and little bird
had learned their lesson too.
Do not think highly of yourself.
That's what the little do.

©2020 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


January 4, 2020

Bee 1 & Bee 2 ~ 1-4-20

Bee 2 was dear friends to Bee 1 that short summer.
They worked well together and made their work funner.

They spent their best days buzzing so closely over,
a flowering field of delicious green clover.

The sweet golden nectar that they were collecting
was their foremost duty while queen bee protecting.

In fun competition, sought who could be faster,
ignoring completely potential disaster.

For, far in the distance, they both were ignoring,
a big red machine that had made a loud roaring.

It leveled so quickly the clover and grasses,
but never once hit them on back and forth passes.

Yes, they noticed it passing, but paid it no heed -
and then were run over... with the good and the weed.

Bee 1 hurt so bad it put 2 in depression.
Did both bees survive it?  Now that was the question.

Though neither had noticed when that mower arrived,
Bee 1 didn't made it - while Bee 2 had survived.

It seems so unfair that disaster was lurking,
though both were so faithful and both were still working,

Bee 2 was so sad he cried teardrops of honey.
He thought God unfair!  All his days now not sunny.

We run life's race fast but, out of reach, that baton,
so how can we live when our best friend has passed on?

Is God so unfair when our work here is over?
Well, not to Bee 1 there in Heaven's sweet clover...

©2020 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 7, 2019

Shepherd's Christmas 12-7-19

We watched the flock, the sheep were still.
The night was calm right up until...
the sky lit up! An angel came!
It frightened us! We weren't the same.

Near Bethlehem, we were that night,
and frightened were, at such a sight.
Then when I stilled, an angel spoke,
with message clear, for all us folk.

I bring you tidings of great joy.
In manger hay, you'll find a boy.
In strips of cloth, in loving care,
in Bethlehem, you'll see Him there.

Inside a stable built with board,
you'll find your Savior, Christ the Lord.
Then suddenly we saw the most,
a multitude of Heavn'ly host!

I heard, when sky turned brightest,
"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth, peace... toward men."
with echo heard again, again.

And then those words, "Don't be afraid..."
Go see the place where Christ is laid.
And so the time, we didn't waste.
We left right then.  We left in haste.

When we arrived, it was as told.
It was a sight worth more than gold.
The Inn was full, but He was kept
inside a stable as He slept.

I fell to knees near humble child.
Dear Mary saw and simply smiled.
The floor was straw on dirt and dust.
I thought it odd and so unjust.

Deserved He more, much more than this,
with crown of pearls and happiness.
A Savior good, for all to see.
A Savior great, should one day be.

In fact, this child should be a king
that rules over everything!
It saddens though, God had to give,
His only Son so I could live.

I felt much dampness on my face,
for this was now a sacred place.
Through tears of joy, they saw us pray.
We saw it all that Christmas Day.

©2019 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 28, 2019

Visions 11-28-19

Embossed into the reader's mind
are visions bright and full -
and colorful the places are
that hold us and then pull -
pull poems into vision that
create a special place -
a place of pure serenity,
a place we can't erase.

Those pleasant poems press in thoughts
of waterfalls and such.
And only poets can write scenes
that we can nearly touch.
With fragrance after morning dew,
in nature's quiet hush,
try stepping out on vision now
in grasses soft and lush.

Stroll out on clover so divine
it carries you beyond -
beyond these steps of mortal words
beside one little pond.
And as you walk on clover green
in visions you allow,
forget the words that brought you here
and live within them now.

The vast imagination here
can free you from your pains
of all that you've endured so far
in life's relentless rains.
Yet rain brings life to little seed
that grows a mighty tree.
So take the pains that you have now
to find more than you see.

If you can live inside these words
where poets often write -
you, too, can reach the waterfalls
and own this special sight.
Remember always nature's scenes
drawn by the poet's words
and let the visions bring you joy
and peace above all birds.

For God is in the spirit realm.
It's truly critical
to place yourself with Jesus now -
not in the physical.
And as you stroll, hum happy tune
and whistle for awhile.
Life sure is great when we all wear
that everlasting smile!

©2019 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 17, 2019

Persevere 11-17-19

As the hurricanes and typhoons twirled,
I wish I could preach to the entire world.
...but I can't.

And standing so firm, like a giant red cedar,
I wish I could be a nation's great leader.
...but I can't.

Or be as appealing as double feature,
I wish I could be a big TV preacher.
...but I can't.

If I had two wishes, or even one choice,
I wish I could sing with a heavenly voice.
...but I can't.

If I could know Jesus, I mean really know Him,
I think I could write a masterful poem.
...but I can't.

I tell you the truth- that I am sincere,
but seems I can't make myself perfectly clear.
I sit here alone with but one lonely tear,
yet God says, go forth, you must persevere.

©2019 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 9, 2019

Twilight Colors Beckon Me 11-9-19

"The sun is setting.  It's to be.
The twilight colors beckon me.
Was life complete?  Did I obey
my precious Lord, His will, His way?"

I've fallen short.  I've fallen far
from Heaven's heights to things that are.
The Judge is waiting for me now
as sweat escapes my weary brow.

I've eaten time.  Now it's my fate.
What can I change with empty plate?
There must be something I can do.
Is there no grace for me and you?

Can I "un-drink" the milk now soured?
Can I "un-eat" what I've devoured?
Can I go back to live His way,
some ninety years?  No, not one day.

But futile death?  Say it's not so!
Yes, Christ arose from here below!
Forgiven from this life I leave!
Eternal life- for I believe!

It doesn't change my sadness though.
Regret, I do, as tempest blow.
You youngsters have a life of time.
Please do God's Will and make it rhyme.

Please read your Bible, read it true.
Don't be like me, but be like you.
Don't store up treasures on your shelf
for one day you will say yourself,

"The sun is setting.  It's to be.
The twilight colors beckon me.
Was life complete?  Did I obey
my precious Lord, His will, His way?"

©2019 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 11, 2019

Of Sweet Joy 10-11-19

I traveled to see my mama today.
She needed to hear what I had to say.
But when I arrived, she was in deep prayer.
I had some good news I wanted to share.

My mama could talk the ears off the corn,
the ears off a rabbit since she was half-born.
And sometimes when I was trying to speak,
she'd cut me right off- for nearly a week.

But this time she had sad tears in her eyes.
Because of me I could only surmise.
I asked of her tears.  How bad could it be?
Then she shook her head.  It was about me.

I hurt my dear mom.  I hurt her a lot.
I wasn't a Christian and humble, was not.
The time had gone by, but now with good news,
I'm here for my mama to pay my last dues.

"I'm... sorry I... hurt... you for... so many years"
I said, as I stumbled with words through my tears.
But I have found Jesus.  My life turned around.
I bought my own Bible and it is profound!

Still tears held my mama.  She said not a word.
A small tiny sparrow was all that we heard.
Through tears, she then spoke, "I prayed for you boy -
and yes, I have tears, but now tears of sweet joy."

So together we cried.  So happy were we.
My eyes were a blur and I hardly could see.
But I felt much better when I saw her smile.
We conversed together for quite a long while.

©2019 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 19, 2019

Live In Remembrance 9-19-19

So many just plan for tomorrow.
So many just live for today.
Yet I long to live in remembrance
to yesterday's mem'ries this way...

My father, in garage, would be working.
My mother, in kitchen, would bake.
Then I would take turns being with them,
and tried not to make a mistake.
I'd hold the light steady for father
while he reached down under the hood.
The cookie dough mom had me stirring,
from finger to tongue was so good.

They'd take me to church ev'ry Sunday.
I learned all the Bible had taught.
I learned that my soul needed saving
a soul that was already bought.
And Jesus had blessed me so dearly
with parents I didn't deserve.
I learned of their love and devotion
a love that I'd often observe.

Though father did not show emotion
and hugging was not ever done,
He would, at times, play some horseshoes
and never had I ever won.
Now one night while watching home movies,
I saw a lone tear on his eye.
I knew his emotions ran deeper
and in him was greater supply.

My mother was very kind-hearted.
She loved everyone that she met.
And when someone hurt her unfairly,
I never had seen her upset.
Yes, everyone loved my dear mother
and that's how a dear flower grows.
She passed away still helping children
and buried, the finest of rose.

My memories fade with the sunset,
as emptiness sets in again.
My life seems so terribly barren
as loneliness grips me within.
But some things I'll not be forgetting:
two faces that I'll always see,
two lives that I'll always remember,
two parents who loved thankless me.

So many just plan for tomorrow.
So many just live for today.
Yet I long to live in remembrance
to yesterday's mem'ries this way...

©2019 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
