"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

March 12, 2009

Seven Cents 3-12-09

How futile are the efforts
of mans’ short feeble strife,
on this lost and dying earth,
as he begins his life.

I repaired a house -
had first to clean it up,
some paper here, some clothing there,
and one stained coffee cup -

I really have to wonder,
what's inside the head,
when I see the pauper's life -
and view his life instead.

How futile are the work days,
how futile those days off,
when hogs and sows come running to -
a busy feeding trough.

If I had only known him,
if I had known him hence,
though others carried him from here,
I held his seven cents.

Though not as much as Jesus' cried
while hanging to the cross,
my heart cries out in anguish
for men who live in loss.

Indulging in the here and now,
responsible, his fate -
man still works and lives like pigs,
though God controls the date.

Seven cents discarded,
I found inside his home.
A life indulged in things of earth -
More souls forever roam....

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Hallowed Be Thy Name 3-12-09

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name,
because you first, so loved the world -
we're changed and not the same.

We once were so despicable,
like soiled, dirty rags,
but now we wait as loyal friends,
as a puppy's tail wags.

They say that dogs are man's best friend -
trusting pure and true,
so faithfully we follow -
our faith is all in You.

There's nothing we can turn to,
nothing that we own,
nothing we can build upon -
except Your corner stone.

We wait on Your great wisdom,
we live on Your great strength,
and then as faithful servants,
we serve to greater length.

We cannot hold Your love inside.
We cannot live the same -
we must shine bright and tell the world!
Hallowed be Thy name.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 10, 2009

But Then God 3-10-09

On the run - chasing shadows,
and always on the go.

Always right - never wrong,
and always in the know.

"It's not me" I told myself -
my life so wasteful spent.

I was lost. I went to work -
my mind was earthly bent.

I was blind. I couldn't see -
His voice I couldn't hear.

But then God (who loved the world),
had turned my busy ear.

I was a shadow chaser -
too busy for my Lord.

Praise God the Spirit stirred me.
and now I am restored.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 9, 2009

What Is Art? 3-9-09

"What is art?” if to me, you would ask,
I'd say its a laborious, challenging task.
God creates life that we can't comprehend -
then puts it in nature, beginning to end...
We suffer the challenge to come even near
the beautiful landscapes we hold ever dear.
The brilliant full sunsets that take breath away
only proves that our artwork is futile and gray.
Though it is improved and forever is honed,
creation is simply just mimicked and cloned.
With all of the paintings and all of the words,
none can replace nature’s flowers or birds.
I search, and within me, I find that great art -
comes from creation through a humble heart.
So never take credit, profits or fame -
for next to creation, our work is a shame.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

March 7, 2009

Weekend Worship 3-7-09

Have a great weekend!

The weekend I praise!
It sure makes me free!
Though bowing to Friday -
is it about "me"?

Is Saturday sacred?
Am I unaware?
Is sporting important -
with no time for prayer?

Do I enjoy Sunday,
or is worship dull?
Do I go my own way? Am
I my own idol?

My weekend? A gem -
we perfectly rhyme!
And finish this poem?
I haven't the time...

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


March 1, 2009

Flip The Coin 3-1-09

Wouldn't it be nice if we
learned from history?
Really there's no problem -
it is no mystery.

And what if we could learn
from anothers' bad mistakes?
Wouldn't that be helpful?
Tell me for goodness sakes.

What if we can't even learn
from mistakes - our very own?
And what if we ignore our friends -
now shouldn't we have known?

Wouldn't it be nice if we
learned from experience?
Really, what's the problem?
Ah, beginning to make sense?

Now flip the coin right over and
I'll tell you what I see...
Jesus died for OUR mistakes -
now explain why that should be.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Johnny 3-1-09

Have you ever had unwanted help -
(oh, let’s just call him "Johnny"),
with exceeding, good intentions,
now thinking back, was funny?

God must laugh a little too,
when He sees how we act.
But remember though, His only Son -
He cried, and that's a fact.

My birthday cake, a year ago
tasted somewhat bland.
It had a funny color too -
the texture? (playground sand).

Whether lav, or kitchen sink,
or tub (home for his toad).
Grace was like the water
that Johnny overflowed.

He knew that water would spill forth
no matter where, was drawn,
and Johnny was so full of faith
when turning water on.

Oh, Johnny had his good days
and certainly his bad,
but I would never trade him as -
I loved the little lad.

Our Father loves us just the same,
despite the times we're wrong -
but if we're not responsible,
our discipline is strong.

If faith is like a water pipe,
if grace a lot like water,
if Christians were like Johnny -
just think what could occur!

If gardens saw no water,
our fruit would not be ripe.
All of it would die away -
without the water pipe.

But baptised in His water,
salvation we will get,
and as it was with Johnny -
so often drenching wet.

God's grace is all sufficient
for those who turn it on,
but most won't see the power
of living water drawn.

And yes, at times I'd scold him,
the paddle, his reward -
but questions seemed to linger -
with him, I so adored.

Many times a flood of tears,
poured down my weary face,
as he taught me repeatedly
God loves the human race.

I'd ask myself quite often as
I looked him in the eye,
and wondered if my Johnny had,
a greater faith than I?

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

John 4: (NIV)7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?" 8(His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) 9The Samaritan woman said to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)10Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."11"Sir," the woman said, "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?"13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

February 28, 2009

The Way To The Cross 2-28-09

So you want directions?
You're at a loss?
You want me to point
the way to the cross?

Well, it's not a "direction",
and not about speed -
but get there, you're able -
you sure can, indeed.

You can't go by auto,
nor by a plane,
A rocket won't help you -
nor will a train.

You can't use your eyes
to see your way there,
You can't use your ears
or recite a prayer.

But close your eyes, listen -
to that still, small voice,
which draws you in closer.
God gives you a choice.

To choose a direction
would tear you apart,
but listen, you're closer
to your very heart.

To find that old cross,
don't look through the trees.
Just humble yourself
and drop to your knees.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Cross On Over 2-28-09

Do you know in this world that there's no guarantee?
Cross on over to Calvary.

If you're lonely right now to such a degree...
Cross on over to Calvary.

Strip all pride away that keeps you from Me.
Cross on over to Calvary.

You may be confused, but do not flee.
Cross on over to Calvary.

I am the bridge that you can see.
Cross on over to Calvary.

Leave your troubles, world debris.
Cross on over to Calvary.

Grace is yours, always free.
Cross on over to Calvary.

See Calvary's tree.
Cross on over to Calvary.

Your faith is key.
Cross on over to Calvary.

There's no fee.
Cross on over to Calvary.

You, Me.
Cross on over to Calvary.

Cross on over to Calvary.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 14:6 (NASB) Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

February 27, 2009

Poet's Prayer 2-27-09

"Father," I pray as I walk along,
"give me the words that would flow like a song.
A poem of promise, of hope and of love
that would focus lost sinners on You up above....

The moon's shining bright from behind an oak branch,
but it's cold here tonight on my dear humble ranch.
I'd be so happy if I was a tree,
for they stand much taller, much taller than me.

Their tops are much closer to Heaven I know,
and they just get closer, the more that they grow.
There's no clouds in the sky - but if so, they would be
joyously singing up there with Thee.

The stars in the sky seem much brighter tonight.
They must be so close they reflect Heaven's light.
The gold, alabaster - the pearls and brass
I bet shine like prisms through diamond-like glass.

Oh, to get closer to Heaven - one peek....
could give me the thoughts that would make these words speak.
The sights would bring words and to earth I could bring
the poem of poems.  Itself, it would sing.

Instead, here I stand in the shivering cold,
a mindless numb man who was late getting old.
But here, down on earth, I'll perform every task,
and faithfully do everything that You ask.

I know that these people will not have a clue,
because this small poem cannot describe You.
So quickly this world forgets who You are,
They miss (as they're sleeping), the bright Morning Star.

I know that the God of Love's heart had to grieve,
when Heaven's gates opened to let Your Son leave -
to die on a cross that folks want to forget.
They just do not care - not one little bit.

But because of Your grace- and faith, I believe -
for You're the Great Poet and me, You don't leave.
You live deep within, so I'll faithfully start -
for the greatest of poems come deep from the heart.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

(We merely reflect God's wonders...)