"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

July 21, 2008

This Old Scrap Of Burlap 7-21-08

This big, bright world,
is like a drawer full of lace,
though I feel like a leftover rag;
quite awkward, uneasy,
and so out of place.

Lace is chosen
by those with whom they connect.
and selecting their own special piece;
they want their lives
to be so perfect.

Then stew they will
when things go terribly wrong.
Their lace gets soiled, stained and tattered.
For this worlds special lace
doesn’t last too long.

They’re all sewn up,
still seeking what cannot mend....
But this leftover rag, this old scrap of burlap;
though nowhere near perfect,
is still your special friend.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 17, 2008


PRICELESS is AIR - to a drowning man.
PRICELESS is FOOD - or starve we can.

PRICELESS, a TRUTH - that shall never flee.
PRICELESS our EYES - or we could not see.

PRICELESS our EARS - or we could not hear.
PRICELESS is PATIENCE - year after year.

PRICELESS is RUNNING - the four minute mile.
PRICELESS is SEEING - a tiny one smile.

PRICELESS is MILK - for a baby newborn.
PRICELESS is REST - for the weary and worn.

PRICELESS are YOU - my friend and much more.
PRICELESS is PEACE - for a world at war.

PRICELESS is FREEDOM - and tasting fresh air.
PRICELESS is TRUST - to someone in care.

PRICELESS is WATER - for our desert thirst.
PRICELESS is LOVE - lest we all be cursed.

PRICELESS is GOD - and His only Son.
PRICELESS is CHRIST - the Trinity, One.

PRICELESS am I - so loved, that He died.
PRICELESS is LIFE'S magnificent ride.

PRICELESS is GRACE - for a lost, dying world.
PRICELESS is FAITH - when judgment is hurled.

PRICELESS was TOUCH for this lonely, lost lamb.
and PRICELESS is KNOWING the Great God, 'I AM'.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 13, 2008

Where Would I Be? 6-13-08

Lost in a wilderness without direction?
Where would I be without Jesus?

Thirsting and thirsting with nothing to quench?
What would I be without Jesus?

Storing up treasures that rust and decay?
Who would I be without Jesus?

Hearing no knock as there’s nobody there?
Where would I be without Jesus?

A tree without fruit that will wither and die?
What would I be without Jesus?

A house upon sand washed away by the rain?
Who would I be without Jesus?

Tossing and turning in waves on the sea?
Where would I be without Jesus?

Drooling in anguish and demon possessed?
What would I be without Jesus?

Crippled in body with paralyzed thought?
Who would I be without Jesus?

Drawing a net that is empty of fish?
Where would I be without Jesus?

Without understanding and totally blind?
What would I be without Jesus?

Futilely living on greed, lust and hate?
Who would I be without Jesus?

Weary, heavy-laden with no place to rest?
Where would I be without Jesus?

Among rocks and thorns left to wither away?
What would I be without Jesus?

Without loaves and fishes and nothing to eat?
Who would I be without Jesus?

Tripping and stumbling on life’s rugged trail?
Where would I be without Jesus?

A hopeless lost sheep that is locked up in chains?
What would I be without Jesus?

Hung on a cross and to pay for my sins?
Who would I be without Jesus?

And sentenced to Hades without parole?
Where would I be without Jesus?
What would I be without Jesus?
Who would I be without Jesus?

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


June 1, 2008

Patience 6-1-08

Each one of us stand here.
From God we all came.
But He molds each different.
We aren't all the same.

If God is our potter
and we are His clay;
how does He shape us -
how slow is His way?

I run in great circles -
with schedules galore;
busy with children,
opinions and more.

Though time is fast fleeting
each hour of each day;
Lord, mold within me -
great patience, as clay.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 31, 2008

That Mighty Tree 5-31-08

A storm had bent the grasses, and brought this tree to seed,
and it became a mighty tree, a mighty tree indeed.
Nothing seemed to waver it. It was two centuries old.
Sunshine showered grace on it and turned the grasses gold.

Amassing all attention to leaves so large, serene.
Blue sky, its only limit, was hidden by its green.
The trunk had held so many limbs that grew its branches high.
The world beheld its greatness. It seemed touch the sky.

Among the several grasses, in multitudes stood we,
and too, beheld its beauty, a wonder all could see.
But holding up its branches beneath the earth was more -
roots like roadways everywhere, one evil at its core.

Within that mighty tree, deception grew and grew.
Many were deceived themselves, yet truth a handful knew.
Not blinded by its root of greed that ran so very deep,
which traveled down, taxing all, putting us to sleep.

Those of us who knew the truth, it was a sight to see,
for nothing ever crashed so hard as that big mighty tree.
From Hollywood to Washington with roots to Reapers' hell,
some enjoyed the greatest times until that big tree fell.

Those that perished quickly deserved just what they got.
The Reaper had come quickly and hesitated not.
He felled that tree and grasses within that evil gust.
That tree that put its faith in ‘green’ and not “in God we trust”.

If trust, we in ourselves alone, and lose belief in God,
we'll tax us to corruption and turn ourselves to sod.
The reaper had his hold on them firmly by the collar.
Did they see 'God almighty' or - the 'almighty dollar'?

Rocket science cannot put a value into paper,
but where the root of evil thrives turns it into vapor.
A storm against the colonies had brought this tree to seed.
The storm that felled it hard - was one of mighty greed.

Most forgot the basics that were written long ago,
but liberally, the love for more always seemed to grow.
"We hold these truths ... self-evident" once had made us free.
It only took one evil root to fell this mighty tree.

Where root of evil lingers, vast millions surely die,
the sea of green will swallow those - where love of money lie.
When multitudes become corrupt causing great upheaval,
'Love of money" is the root - the root of every evil.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 29, 2008

This Dandelion 5-29-08

From the house, a father and son,
work together for the good,
a family - just like one.

They pull weeds from this perfect lawn,
so impeccable 'cept for me.
A lone weed - the rest gone....

They do this work and they never owe,
they feed and water just enough.
He mows - but lets me grow.

All the world's rules and every great law,
keeps them all busy and wind driven,
yet here I stand in awe.

Often I see father cut the lawn.
It's impeccable.
They pull weeds - 'til all gone.

The child stands near, so his father knows -
this priceless lone dandelion,
is the one that he chose.

Feeling naked as I look about,
one dandelion in a lush green lawn –
but through faith, not a doubt.

Though I’m ugly and so very wrong,
as the world creates rules.
Is this where I belong?

If grass could see, they'd scoff and sigh.
The son protecting me as-
the mower comes nearby.

Why stand I here for all to see -
imperfect on the father's lawn?
The son’s forgiven me!

All can see that I’m still a-livin'
alone here on this perfect lawn -
No, not perfect. Just forgiven.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


May 18, 2008

Give And Take 5-18-08

"For God so loved the world, that He gave...
His only Son" - to a borrowed cave...
...for a world that put Him in that grave.


Here's an example of love and sin:
With Him, crucified, were two men,
One saw truth and then confessed,
Jesus forgave and he was blessed.
The other, self-centered, without belief,
He loved himself and died a thief.

For man so loves the world, he takes...
earning each one of his many mistakes...
...in a world where man believes he creates.


Right here on earth between truth and lie,
We look at 'success' and say, "What a guy!"
Many had thought they could conquer the earth,
or their little corner - but what was it worth?
But God's looking down in the palm of His hand.
He knows His whole world and where we all stand.

Where is our focus and what's our reply?
What is the truth that we seem to deny?
We must look at our lives and then ask ourselves,


For God so loved the world, He gave...
so Who do we love OR what do we crave?
There's nothing in this world to get,
unless to Jesus, we submit;
and if we crave our earthly coffer,
God has nothing else to offer.
It's no secret life's unfair,
so help me love, Lord –
that's my prayer.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Luke 23: 39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, "Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!" 40 But the other answered, and rebuking him said, "Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 "And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong." 42 And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" 43 And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."

May 4, 2008

Greater Power 5-4-08

A volcano could inspire me,
when sulfur’s flames shoot higher;
But I turn from temptation
and run from hellish fire.

An earthquake could defeat me,
when its shaking takes my feet.
Though I might fall or stumble
I'll not quit or retreat.

A tornado could surround me,
in deafening roaring sound;
but oh, if I am humbled,
I'll lie still on the ground.

A storm or flood could swallow me,
when sheets of water fall;
but of God's truth, Noah knew,
faith floats above it all.

Gods powers - the world will always see,
above and throughout the sea;
still, I'm amazed with greater power -
that He can still love me.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


April 29, 2008

Allowed or Commanded? 4-29-08

God allows the evening rain - allows the morning dew.
God allows the grass to green yet makes the oceans blue.
God allows such simple things to fly around the sky.
God allows so many things but many don't know 'why'.

God allows successfulness and He allows mistakes.
God allows life-saving herbs but also deadly snakes.
Birds were then allowed to pull the worms up from the sod.
A serpent was allowed removing us from our own God.

God allowed a garden to produce for Adam's need,
then God allowed that serpent to expose his very greed.
God allowed the several plagues to circle around Job
He allows so many things to happen 'round the globe.

But God does not decide for us. He makes it very plain.
God allows that if we want - can work for world gain.
While God does not decide for us, He is in full control,
yet He allows that most of man will lose their very soul.

God allows deception, corruption, lies and sin,
yet He allowed a virgin birth to set things right again.
God demanded His own Son while holding full control.
and God allows the smallest seed to save the wretched soul

If man thinks He has fixed it all and all our work is done,
then why's the world so evil with its people on the run?
God demands not many things - though many we dismiss,
yes, man still lives oblivious and blind to the abyss.

Though Satan cannot master all creations' only God,
in ignorance man stumbles over Satan’s wink and nod.
God allows for all good things - yet He allows the bad,
but He demands an answer too - to fix what once we had.

God did not create the world that He might run it all.
He put us all in charge of it - yet knowing we would fall.
God allows us our free will to do what we might please.
so do we live it purposeful or live a life of ease?

Do we have eyes to see the truth? Tell me if you can,
Where will this whole world end up? What's written in His plan?
Do we have ears to understand? Tell me if you will,
What revelations are for us? What plans will He fulfill?

God allows so many things. What will He not control?
Does God allow so little faith - yet hold my very soul?
God commands the world now but some things does allow.
Does God accept so little faith? Who will He disavow?

If indeed, our faith is strong, as Job's was long ago,
and if our faith is in the Rock, why should we worry so?
If indeed, my faith is strong, just what have I to lose?
God allows both hot or cold. My faith I still can choose.

If we claim to be the clay, willing freely to His hands,
we must accept His final truth: God allows His own commands!
God allows so many things and this I know is true,
and God allows me in His hands. How about you?

©2008 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


April 25, 2008

Believe 4-25-08

Father, thank You for transportation.
Cruise control, comfy seats, air conditioning, of course heat....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for my feet.

Father, thank You for employment.
Exercise, break time, five o'clock, pay checks, insurance plans....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for my hands.

Father, thank You for knowledge.
Ears to hear, education, understanding seas and skies....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for my eyes.

Father, thank You for exploration.
Vacations, airline travel - so many things to find....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for my mind.

Father, thank You for entertainment.
Games, puzzles, hobbies, sports, carnivals, recreation, fun -
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for Your Son.

Father, thank You for all beauty.
Mountain streams, meadows, fish in oceans, flying geese above...
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for Your love.

Father, thank You for all creation.
Newborn babies, mothers, grandmothers, people of every race....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
thank You for Your grace.

Father, thank You for government.
Great people, great battles, great nations - many down You hurled....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
that You so loved Your world.

Father, thank You for tribulation.
Temptations, separation, disease, pain and even death....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
for choosing us by faith.

Father, thank You for Your awesome power.
Hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, the forgiveness we receive....
but thank You, Father, most of all -
for helping me believe.

©2008 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
