"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

February 22, 2008

Z 2-22-08

‘Z’ is last - but not in this poem!
Letters take thought and patience to grow 'em.

‘A’ seems reserved for its special space,
and may have tantrums if not in first place.

Twenty-five letters still have to be passed,
to find that lone ‘Z’ which was meant to be last.

I ponder the meaning of last and not first,
and wonder at one point if ‘Z’ had been cursed.

But ‘Z’, in this poem has gotten first place.
Hopefully that puts a smile on its face!

The day will soon come where first will be last,
the last will be first and won’t be surpassed.

Now here is a secret so keep your eyes peeled.
Just maybe you’ll find every letter revealed.

It was quite a chore to mix letters this way,
but this time - in last place - you'll find letter ‘A’.

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Every letter can be found in this poem.
If you need help, here are the answers:
A - "A"
B - But
C - patienCe
D - reserveD
E - poEm
F - First
G - Grow
H - tHis
I - Is
J - Just
K - taKe
L - Last
M - poeM
N - Not
O - nOt
P - Poem
Q - Quite
R - letteRs
S - laSt
T - lasT
U - bUt
V - reserVed
W - groW
X - miX
Y - maY
Z - "Z"


Mark 9:(NASB)
34 But they kept silent,
for on the way they had discussed with one another which of them was the greatest.
35 Sitting down, He called the twelve and said to them,
"If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all."
36 Taking a child, He set him before them,
and taking him in His arms, He said to them,
37 "Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me;
and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me."


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