"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

October 22, 2011

Prayer Of Love 10-23-11

Dear Lord and Savior, hear my prayer -
and help me comprehend and share...

...please touch my eyes, that I might view -
in ways a blind man might see You...

...please touch my ears, that I might learn -
in ways a deaf man might discern...

...please touch my nose, that I might smell -
Your perfumes where Your flowers dwell...

...please touch my lips, so I can speak -
so bravely bold, yet ever meek...

...please touch my hands, that I might show -
Your awesome works to souls below.

...please touch my feet, without delay -
so I can walk - what others say...

...then touch my heart, from there above,
so I can give - and others love.


©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


October 16, 2011

Speechless 10-16-11

The interview was nearly done,
my destiny unknown.
I touted my accomplishments -
just God and I alone.

"Emergency." said Jesus then,
and brought a girl in.
"Suzy, she's a special one.
I wiped away her sin."

"The cancer took its toll on her
so Suzy's now with us.
There's nothing that she needs to say,
there's nothing to discuss."

Suzy had the cutest smile.
Her age was six or seven.
And Jesus held her in His arms
as we all stood in Heaven.

I saw the scars on each His hands
as He held close, her head -
His arms hugged her securely as -
He looked at her and said,

"Forever, always, you will be
with me in paradise.
For God so loved your little world
and I have paid the price."

I was a bit bewildered
with all that had occurred,
for Suzy, held securely -
had never said a word.

Not one small tear was in her eye.
They showed the greatest care -
but then God turned, looked back at me,
as I stood speechless there.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Luke 23:39-43 (NASB)
39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!” 40 But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!” 43 And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

October 8, 2011

Beyond My Weathered Window 10-8-11

Out beyond my weathered window,
out beyond my little view -
I see one from my rocker and,
I pray you see one too -
see one on each hillside,
see one on your way,
see one in each valley,
see one every day.

While the moon shines on the water,
and the sea reflects the light -
several boats pass through His painting,
with sails of halo white.

A sea bird glides in silhouette,
way above the sails masts -
way above the ropes and bollards,
the breezes travel past.

Man's final work arrives at dusk
before the reflections cease -
near piers I have known since childhood
on this, God's masterpiece.

Yet few have known that sunset orange,
and so fewer wonder why -
God's bright and vivid colors keep
on splashing though the sky.

And people race His vivid hues -
so oblivious and blind -
as God continues painting on
so generously kind.

Wide brush strokes still continue so -
with colors stark, bold and lush.
Though 'man' has stole the meanings -
our God still holds the brush.

Out beyond my weathered window,
out beyond my little view -
I watch Him from my rocker and,
I pray you see Him too -
see Him in the sunsets,
see Him everywhere,
see Him in the life you live -
and see Him in your prayer...

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 26, 2011

Searching? 9-3-11

Searching near and searching far,
but only for the things that are,
still searching...

Searching highs and searching lows,
but only where the world goes,
still searching...

Searching for a miracle,
but only in the physical,
still searching...

Searching life more wonderful,
but not a life more meaningful,
still searching...

Searching for the real things,
but only through life's sinful stings,
still searching...

Searching for a sacrifice,
but only at a cheaper price,
still searching...

Searching for it still today,
but only for the easy way,
still searching...

Searching leaven or unleavened,
but only selfishly for Heaven,
still searching...

Searching for His Holy ground,
searching always, never found,
still searching...

Searching? We can anyplace -
but only God still offers grace.
Stop searching.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 25, 2011

But Have I Loved? 9-25-11

Few are popular.
I am not.
Priorities really mean a lot.

I've read a book that was read by millions.
I've seen a painting that was seen by millions.
I've sung a hymn that was sung my millions...

...but have I loved?

For with LOVE comes sacrifice,
and with sacrifice comes much sorrow,
and with much sorrow comes many tears,
and with many tears comes vast emptiness,
and with vast emptiness comes more agony,
and with more agony comes horrid pain,
and with horrid pain comes suffering, 
and with suffering comes a cross.
A cross that PROVES love.

PROOF through an only begotten Son -
who sacrificed,
who forgave, 
who died,
who rose again,
who loves me more than ever,
who wants me to experience just one short inch in His sandals,
and take one faint breath on my humble cross,
so that I too, may also learn how to love.

I've not authored a book that was read by millions.
I've not painted a picture that was seen by millions.
I've not written a hymn that was sung my millions...

...but have I Loved?

Few are popular,
I am not.
Priorities really
mean a lot.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


1 Corinthians 13:13 (NASB)
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three;
but the greatest of these is love. 

September 21, 2011

Heather 9-21-11

The wedding went so perfect,
despite the plans and rush.
Her wedding gown, exquisite,
so elegant and plush.

Heather was so beautiful -
her hair, so perfect set.
And he, the perfect gentleman.
My thoughts... of when they met.

Each other, they respected.
They were the perfect pair.
And none could break these two apart -
each others lives they'd share.

They love each other deeply.
Their prayers ascend above -
Their children? Little angels!
And they have all my love.


But then my dream had shattered
as I lay in my bed.
I live not in a fairy tale -
but the real world instead.

My Heather had no children -
and that, I know because -
she wasn't ever married.
Her husband never was.

No, Heather had no wedding -
She never had a choice.
My Heather was aborted.
I never heard her voice.

So please allow my wisdom
for just a moment more -
I live with my decision -
a choice I so deplore.

This memory that I live with,
still pains me yet today.
A life that God created,
I chose to take away.

(this was not written in judgment of others but rather
written for the unborn babies who can still be saved)

 ©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


September 15, 2011

Too Many Flowers? 9-15-11

As God creates more flowers,
reflecting Heaven's love,
mere words cannot explain it all -
the beauty I speak of...

In fields of perfect flowers,
perfume and nose, we meet. 
I find myself among them as
they all surround my feet.

My thoughts were drawn among them.
My eyes saw every kind.
Now vivid colors capture me
like photos in my mind.

I spy a single flower.
I take a closer peek.
I find that every flower here
is special and unique.

I turn around to walk away.
I'm torn at what I see.
I've stepped on many flowers and
they will no longer be.

No longer to be cherished,
no longer to be smelled,
no longer to be photographed,
no longer to be held. 

Again I spy a single one -
a trampled one instead.
I know that it will always be -
forever lost and dead.

But I excused my clumsy feet
which trampled every kind -
Oh, how could I avoid them all -
with all that's on my mind?

Are there too many flowers?
Are those I trampled missed?
Are there too many babies?
Can we not coexist?

As God creates more flowers,
reflecting Heaven's love,
mere words cannot explain it all -
the beauty I speak of...

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers. ~Mother Teresa


Genesis 1:1 (KJV)
"In the beginning, God created..." 

September 14, 2011

Pauper, King or I 9-14-11

From New York, Cairo or Beijing,
and whether pauper, me or king -
You can find us when we're lost -
and You don't charge - there is no cost.

I cannot look You in the eye -
for oh, so little faith, have I.
All jumbled with mistakes today,
I struggle for some words to say.

The paupers beg and get their bread -
their stomachs speak until their fed.
The servants jump when their king calls
as his word echoes through the halls.

Yes, paupers beg and Kings decree -
but who can hear my words, but me?
I'm so confused and so resigned -
Your answers, I can't seem to find.

I try to listen with both ears,
pray Your answers calm my fears.
I need Your wisdom, need Your aid,
I'm so distraught and so afraid.

I stumble through life's desert sand -
that's dry and hot. Please hold my hand.
My life is mixed up, a montage -
is this a dream, a mere mirage?

I wait for Your most tender tug.
I need a special, loving hug.
Though even with a sincere kiss,
I yet again would fall amiss.

Although I study, work and learn -
I really have no place to turn.
So stumble I, the narrow, straight,
until arriving at Your gate.

Your grace has triumphed over foe,
and why You listened, I don't know -
for You have seen the way I live,
so why, Lord, do you still forgive?


What 'lot' in life that we are giv'n,
matters not with grace from Heaven -
so whether pauper, king or I -
"For God so loved..." and that is why.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 3:16 (KJV)
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish,
but have everlasting life.

September 4, 2011

His Painting 9-5-11

Alone, the sun rises
over people unknown.
Although they ignore it,
its sunlight is thrown,
over the river and
through the faint fog,
like lone little flowers
on top a dead log,
growing so freely,
so gentle, so bright -
as God's great creation
is seen from His light.

Some hovering noises
seem somewhat bizarre,
trespassing nature
from places afar -
while God, the Great Artist
keeps painting His way -
another day passes
just like yesterday.
A bright colored sunset
surrounds a lone loon.
Reflected on water,
His bright crescent moon.

Now stars hold God's canvas
while brush strokes so grand,
paint wide vivid colors
with love's perfect hand.
And God - although we
cannot even imagine -
prepares us a place, in
His painting called 'Heaven'.
So things we see here
will seem dreary and gray,
compared to the next one
that'll blow us away!

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 14:2 (KJV)
In my Father's house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.

August 18, 2011

Hands 8-18-11

Selfish hands and idle hands
are rotten to the core.
Loving hands and humble hands -
are needed even more.

Not famous hands or jealous hands -
but hands that do God's will.
Eager hands and fearless hands -
enduring hands as well.

Patient and obedient,
or busy as a bee -
clammy too or clumsy,
or unknown they may be.

Feeble hands or age old hands,
or hands that hug a lot -
rugged hands or wrinkled hands,
great many hands or not.

All hands on deck - please listen,
and every faithful hand -
as we go into this dark world
and visit every land.

Share the never failing hands -
His hands - as He prevails.
His hands, that carry us away,
are hands that held the nails.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Old Tattered Book 8-16-11

It always has been with me.
The Good Book, it is not.
My book is old and tattered,
and its been read a lot.

I'm very much familiar with
this ragged, weathered book -
I'll hide it not from you because,
I know you'll want to look.

My life is like an open book,
and here for all to see.
Interpret every facet there,
or read it differently.

Folks from different walks of life
have formulated ways -
to gather vast opinions and -
to scrutinize my days.

Now you may disagree with them,
or you might fall in line -
with those who do the gossiping,
and group me with the swine.

I see my 'dog-eared' corners,
the grime and stains throughout.
Forget, I would, some pages -
if I could tear them out -

because I'm very much ashamed
of sinful burdens there -
of sins that I cannot forget -
that Jesus had to bear.

And guilt, at times, still haunts me,
and though forgiveness cures,
I'm very glad you've read my book.
Now read a bit of yours.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 7:3 (NASB)
Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye,
 but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 

August 14, 2011

Commonality 8-14-11

Everything in this whole world
has one great flaw in common.
Large, small, very light, or
heavier than a ton.

Some are solid, others not,
and some we hear a lot,
some are just a vision,
while others, cold or hot.

Coffee smells, alarm clocks,
computers, highway signs -
family, long vacations -
schedules, meetings, deadlines.

Tell me, what's in common here -
say, what could it be?
Cookie jars to fancy cars,
curved rainbows, scenery...

And there are many other things,
too numerous to list -
scary masks of Halloween,
to pretty morning mists.

Just ponder for a minute
the commonality -
and what effect these things have had
to others, you and me.

Just think for just a minute,
on all these things I list -
and all else you can think of -
and all else that I've missed...

So try, you just might find it -
if not, reread again -
for every thing is common here
for children, women, men.

Now if you have not found it yet,
the answer, if you care -
is that they steal attention and -
take time away from prayer...

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 8, 2011

Tender Tears 8-8-11

Be positive and confident,
and joyous all the while -
and you can be a great success
while wearing your great smile.

Success will bring you riches,
such fun, excitement too -
so do not let this world slip by -
revolve it around you.

Oh, there will be some hurting -
a child without his dad -
and though he may shed many tears
don't let him make you sad.

Just keep on smiling broadly,
and remember, others can -
show their deep compassion.
Don't interrupt your plan.

There's way too many people -
and all, you cannot do -
and after all - it's when you smile,
the world will smile with you.

Spread laughter, joy into this world -
put smiles on all the poor -
and if you still feel guilty,
donate a little more.

Ignore the child crying,
ignore her ragged clothes,
ignore the troubles, not your own
for it is how life goes.

Crack a joke on your success,
and brag on all you gave.
Jest and smile and live it up!
Die laughing to the grave...

And then, when you see Jesus,
and your world disappears -
will you get Him to laugh with you
behind His tender tears? 

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 5, 2011

One Not Worthy 8-5-11

If I was Jesus, could I take -
the blame that wasn't my mistake?

If I was Jesus, could I hear -
the name 'Barabbas' in my ear?

If I was Jesus, could I see -
the multitudes surrounding me?

If I was Jesus, could I wear -
a crown of thorns set on my hair?

If I was Jesus, could I feel -
the rugged nails through hand and heel?

If I was Jesus, could I smell -
the stench of sweat and blood that fell?

If I was Jesus, could I taste -
when sour wine on lips was placed?

If I was Jesus, could I give -
could I be strong, could I forgive?

If I was Jesus, could I die -
for one not worthy, such as I?

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


August 3, 2011

The Fragile Fog 8-3-11

Dawn breaks clear and breeze begins- leans the many grasses -
rolling knolls, valleys green- moving, it amasses
moisture up from silent pond, a vapor freely born -
confusing fogs of dampness, there's- another one to warn
of world's prideful arrogance, of want and selfish greed -
another one oblivious to warnings he should heed.

Slow and patient hovering, brings truth so plain to see -
but blindness seizes naive hearts and there will seldom be -
changes to the inner soul that lingers ever past -
then fades away, the temperate fog, as time has fleeted fast.

God creates, then man destroys a life, so visible -
but Jesus comes to heal the sick, the body, spiritual.

God gave Jesus for our souls.  He patiently awaits -
while life is like the fragile fog which quickly dissipates.

Earth- or all eternity- two choices we must weigh -
before the fog has lifted and- life vanishes away. 

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


James 4:14 (NASB)
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.
You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

July 28, 2011

Plant The Seed 7-28-11

Some smoking cigs,
and drinking beer -
or walking streets
in total fear.

Some loving fights,
or reading smut -
some overweight
in gambling rut.

Some driving drunk
and smoking crack -
small screaming kids,
good morals lack.

A land of grace,
in land of sin?
Please let me know
what world I'm in.

Now up-side-down
this world is not -
so say the folks,
who have a lot.

But God still knows
the evil heart -
each evil soul,
that falls apart.

And die, they will,
so 'drunk in rum'.
I wish it not,
but day will come.

And come it will,
when all time stops -
when wrath begins
and ruling drops.

Death eternal.
Life eternal.
God external,
or internal?

So hate the sin
but love the man.
Let's plant the seed.
You know we can!

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 26, 2011

Touched? 7-26-11

When all goes well, you do not call,
you do not whisper prayers at all.
but when you're sick or feeling bad,
I hear a prayer that makes Me sad.

You pray that I should comfort you,
and tell Me all that I should do -
but then when you are well again,
your prayers are empty, hollow, thin.

So where's your trust when you are well?
I need your faith so I can tell -
you're not a fake or hypocrite,
but sincere friend who can commit.

Commit to church, commit to Me,
commit to friends and family.
Until that day, you're torn apart,
torn in two, straight through your heart.

So pray when things are going grand
so I can tell right where you stand.
Not lukewarm, but hot or cold -
for lukewarm souls, I will not hold.

For I so love this world too -
the worst of men, including you.
I will save you from your sin -
but you must first, invite Me in.

So patiently, at your hearts door,
I stand and knock to offer more.
For from this world, you'll soon depart,
so let me touch your broken heart.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 16, 2011

When Jesus Holds 7-16-11

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will I forget the past?
Will I forget my every sin,
from first to very last?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will I cry quite awhile -
then be so red and blurry eyed,
I miss His loving smile?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will I forget the pain?
Will I forget my memories that,
keep driving me insane?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will all my sins replay?
Or will He hold me tighter and
wipe all my tears away?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
when I'll be loved the most -
will I remember painful past,
as Jesus holds me close?

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 11, 2011

Blessings 7-11-11

God showers me with blessings -
too many to be named.
And He has given me so much -
so much, I am ashamed.

Though I have lost possessions,
(some former wants and needs) -
I'm steered to where I wish not go,
as my Creator leads -
and made to walk in valleys deep,
so great, the length and breadth -
and made to go to distant lengths,
and sometimes near to death.

He showed me all that I had missed
to understand His scene -
and made me walk on water,
and through His pastures green.
But sight? None can imagine -
the view beyond the skies -
to see what can't be understood
with selfish, simple eyes!

His blessings once confused me,
and camouflaged my pride,
and I just couldn't see His love,
'till I set 'me' aside.
Yes, God has showered blessings,
too many to be named -
and He has given me so much -
so much, I am ashamed.

And yet, His greatest blessing,
so many years before -
was that He gave His only Son.
What blessing is worth more??

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


July 9, 2011

The Shiny Penny 7-9-11

Reflection caught my lazy eye,
there on the narrow street.
I spied the shiny penny's glint -
right underneath my feet.

Many will not pick one up,
as value is so small -
and they believe it worthless for,
most anything at all.

To pick it up, not worth it -
at least that's what they say.
but oh, my time was not a waste -
was not a waste that day.

Though, there embossed, was Lincoln's face -
the date stamped clearly new -
more engravings marked the back,
proved it a penny too.

But what can a sole penny buy?
Good luck, what can it bring?
What help buys it, the hungry?
What good, the shiny thing?

Its purpose can be measured,
the value, one small cent.
But there had to be more to it.
My patience had been spent.

I found it - just a penny,
so small and very thin.
I thought it, all but worthless,
but then I looked again...

First opening my fingers,
then cleaning off some dust -
I finally found great value with,
the words, "In God We Trust".

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
