"I want to thank all those who come from around the world and read the poetry that God has inspired me with to make the world a more pleasant and peaceful place. This site shall always be totally free for everyone with no tracking, pop-up ads & videos or other distractions." ~louis gander

January 3, 2007

The Missing Ingredient 1-3-07

God, the covenant, and man – the law in stone was cast.
But broke, all men, the covenant before Moses breathed his last.

A new covenant began, that man might touch the stars.
But man would break the newest one and needed Jesus' scars.

Now what are we to do today? Sufficient is God's grace.
So what ingredient is missing as we sit here in disgrace?

To fulfill God's newest covenant takes more than prayer and song.
And "grace believing's" all and good - but by itself is wrong.

For even demons all believe! In cringing truth, they shutter,
So we've researched 'theology' and other endless clutter.

Has every soul on Earth been saved? Was assurance known by Saul?
Did someone cure his blindness and was his name changed to Paul?

Decision, yes, we had made. Of course our works are dead,
so now upon foundation's rock let's move 'belief' ahead.

God performed His gracious act. It was by Him alone.
By grace, ye are saved through faith. So may our faith be shown.

Faith is the missing ingredient, in God's covenant with man,
from demons, we are separate, completing His full plan.

Do not let Satan deceive you blowing feelings to and fro.
The world grabs for grace alone, but they need faith also.

Remember, Jesus healed the sick. Their faith had made them well.
They then went out and told the world. What stories they could tell!

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
We must throw out all other gods - on Jesus’ name must lean.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Romans 3: 21-27
21 But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested,
being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,
22 even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe;
for there is no distinction;
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
24 being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus;
25 whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith.
This was to demonstrate His righteousness,
because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed;
26 for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time,
so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
27 Where then is boasting?
It is excluded By what kind of law? Of works?
No, but by a law of faith.

January 1, 2007

The Contrast 1-1-07

Man is not God - so many are lost,
and it's not just a matter of odds....
When creation rejects the Creator,
it proves we're men - not gods.

The Creator begat His own earthly birth,
His creation cut a tree for the cross.
His faithfulness carried that burdensome tree,
and our selfishness rode on the loss.

His humbleness exposed - first a manger,
but our pride buried Him. He was dead.
His wrath - into swine - removed demons,
but our anger poked thorns in His head.

His generosity drew multitudes to Him,
but our greed nailed hands held wide.
His knowledge pierced the Pharisee's lies,
but our gossip pierced through His side.

In loving kindness, He cried, "Abba Father!"
but our hate mocked His sweat drops of blood.
His mercy gave paradise to one alongside,
but our sin took His life like a flood.

His power, from death, removed the stone,
but our weakness moves from mask to mask.
His peace resides up in Heaven.
Now the war in our souls is at task.

God is perfect, sinless, true.
While creation wanders lost;
many are called, but few are chosen,
yet for His mercy and grace, no cost.

He paved the way through thick and thin,
so that we, in Him, can cleave.
Grace can save every man from sin -
if we - through faith - believe!

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 31, 2006

That Special Tree 12-06

When I was nine, we all were poor -
lived in a house with wooden floor.
At eight o'clock the clock would chime
and then I knew that it was time.
It was okay; I had but three -
Christmas presents just for me!
No gold, frankincense, and myrrh –
but ‘funner’ toys I would prefer!

I snatched the first one - it was small,
tore the wrapping, threw it all.
Pulled back the tape, opened it.
I then plopped down in one big fit.
In the bottom of the box,
I saw sand and a few rocks.
A note said, "Son - I know you care
about the Magi way back there."

They traveled far through desert sand,
not knowing where the star would stand.
It stopped above a stable where -
a baby laid in loving prayer."
As I looked up not very far
on top our tree we had a star....
I sat below that pretty tree,
all decorated, just so for me.

The second present – beautiful,
but what'd I find? -A ball of wool.
The note said, "Son, some shepherds came.
They glorified and praised His name.
“Our house is comfy and so warm,
no chills come in from snow or storm;
But not the stable there of old -
it was drafty, dusty, somewhat cold..."

But now the biggest one of all -
the third and last and oh, so tall;
I carefully unwrapped the bow -
with widened smile my face aglow.
I pulled the wrapping off a bit -
to read the box for what I'd get.
The box was simple. Just plain brown,
so then I tore the wrapping down.

Anticipation turned to shock,
as I spied in that bigger box.
I froze in full bewilderment.
I didn't know quite what it meant.
For it was empty. Nothing there!
Just a present full of air!
Except for yet another note,
signed by daddy - here's his quote:

"Baby Jesus, our present.
In His service, His intent,
He took our burdens, sin and strife,
so you might have eternal life.
Empty? No. This box is not -
and never will its contents rot.
This box is full. Don't think it's odd.
It's filled with love. A gift from God."

Then I woke up - was just a dream!
It wasn't daddy's funny scheme!
So many presents - many mine.
I put God off. There wasn't time!
First I'd enjoy my favorite day,
Full of candy, fun and play.
So many days - it finally came!
Christmas day - so I took aim!

I scrambled off my bed and ran,
down the hall with my big plan.
The tree looked tall. It seemed so far -
and way on top a big, bright star.
And in my socks across the floors,
I slid along past all the doors.
Down that hall into the room,
were many presents I'd consume.

The tree I ran to down the hall -
was somewhat different, somewhat small.
And I was caught quite unaware
as I stopped beneath our star up there.
Just like the wise men from afar,
that followed their revealing star.
Above the stable where it’d stay,
where donkeys stood and Jesus lay.

I could have sworn up there on top -
I thought I heard, "You're here, now stop."
But not above a stable's top -
this time below our tree I’d stop.
Not like the tree of long ago
but bright with ornaments aglow.
Not heavy timbers tied across,
where Jesus died upon the cross.

When only He could make me glad,
I wanted gifts from mom and dad.
Oh, those presents full of toys,
I ripped apart and made some noise.
“Dear God and Jesus - wait a bit.
I’ll play awhile and then I’ll quit.”
How awful, selfish, I became
as I trampled Jesus' name.

But later on, I humbly bowed,
on that floor not one bit proud.
I cried a lot. I cried out loud –
and let him cleanse my sinful cloud.
So through me see that special Star -
always near, not off afar.
-Still upon that special tree,
where Jesus died for you and me.

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 20, 2006

Our Church Doors 12-20-06

At our Church there are two doors -
there is both "in" and "out".
On either side it may be still,
or you might hear a shout.

So what's the difference you might ask,
-betwixt the other side?
You'll find that one is very different,
and the other side denied.

It's your choice which side you choose.
Indifference won't convey.
You won't stand in the doorway.
You cannot block the way.

Each one of us - individually,
is full of love or hate.
It's a personal decision -
not based in unknown fate.

Some choose to lie and steal.
Some choose to rule and scare.
Others choose the truthful way,
and humbly kneel in prayer.

Terrorists may come inside,
and havoc they can raise;
but never fear - the love and strength,
of God who gets our praise.

When we go out, let's show God's love,
and smile from ear to ear;
never holding back the truth,
-and not retaining fear.

In boldness we must always seek,
whether dark and bleak;
and focus on the rugged cross,
-turning the other cheek.

So what side do you stand on?
In God do you believe?
If on Heaven's truth you win,
but on Satan's deceiving, grieve.

With every door, there are two sides.
That's what it's all about.
We cannot serve two masters.
- We're either in or out.

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 18, 2006

Who, What, Where, When, Why? 12-18-06

I claim inside, there is no greed -
-But just one important need.
He knows, for others, I've done much,
Therefore, give me this - I plead.

Who do I see in the mirror?
Who do I hear in my ear?
Who sets me high in position?
And whom do I put in the rear?

Who do I see in the mirror?
Who do I hear in my ear?
Who sets me in this position?
- It’s God who has put me here.

"What," may I ask, "is my purpose?"
What must I do to be glad?
What has obstructed my pathway?
And what seems to make me so mad?

"What", may I ask, "is my purpose?"
What must I do to be glad?
What has obstructed my pathway?
Selfishness - it makes me sad.

Where in this world is my present?
"Where", might I ask, "is my gift"?
Where's that thing that matters to me?
And where's my emotional lift?

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 10, 2006

The Vision Division 12-10-06

Behold, the vision, and its division;
Infinite Heaven - to Earth's final end.
God is unchanging, but we keep chasing,
For a God that we can't comprehend.

Many years ago, right here down below,
Humbled in a lowly manger;
A pure simple Dove, poured full of His love,
Yet all those that feared truth, felt danger.

Committing no crime, yet after a time,
He was brought to Pilate alive.
After all the assault and finding no fault -
In harsh anger the multitudes cried:

Screaming, "Crucify Him!" - then it turned grim.
After hours of suffering He died.
They buried the Son. For three days they won.
Then the stone proved that He was alive!

The question confronts our stubborn wants.
Each direction we turn there's none.
We look for more clues and one we will choose;
The true answer is found in God's Son.

The vision's not new. We must think it through.
Will the answer come altogether?
With us way down here - and God way up there -
Only Christ can bring us together.

In sin and despair, you're not with God there,
And that is the vision division.
For up from the earth, Christ offers rebirth,
We all have to make that decision.

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


December 7, 2006

100% 12-7-06

I hear you say, "I need that car-
look, shiny paint and chrome!"
But listen up you foolish one,
it's breaking up your home.

Your spouse is mad, your children cry,
your bills are piled high.
It's envy, greed- not self-control.
It's just a sinful lie.

Trust in anything will wither,
no matter how it shines.
Time rots and rusts our newest wants,
can you not see the signs?

So turn your head, and turn your mind,
away from all that flaunts-
and set your eyes on God above.
Ignore all other wants.

Now should you hold back hope in Him,
a quarter or an eighth?
No, put ALL trust in God above,
oh, ye of little faith!

The armor from our God above,
shall never rust or dent-
by faith in God who meets our needs,
one hundred full percent.

©2006 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


November 27, 2006

A Loving Kiss 11-27-06

There sits a mom - without her baby,
hands clasp and trembling in her lap alone;
She still ponders how it could have happened,
and now can't hold the girl she could have known,

There sits a dad crying deep inside,
the girl who 'could have been' is but a blur.
Torments endless curses keep him hanging,
on absent memories that just never were.

There's a child who never saw her parents -
was not allowed a single hug to give;
Nor allowed to say, "I love you mommy."
She had no rights - not even just to live....

Forever lost - a life of innocence -
receiving, not one speck of human love!
Yes, pain and sorrow is all around us,
but God’s in control. He waits there up above.

We fall short and fail - believe it's over.
Sadness ruptures the heart of every size.
Heartache spawns yet more excessive sorrow,
all caused by deaths dark cold, black, evil lies.

Understand one thing - that we aren't perfect.
Nowhere can we turn our vain and evil face!
There's no hope to quell one sin within us,
except by faith in Him who showers grace.

Our possessions will rot and turn to dust,
but forgiveness comes - from the God of peace!
Persevere through faith - your full trust in Him.
His love is full and it will never cease.

There's a child who never saw her mother,
but forever, we must remember this;
That God, in love, reached down and took her -
and gave her, in His arms, a loving kiss.

©2006 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


1 Timothy 1:5 (NASB)
“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart 
and a good conscience 
and a sincere faith.”

July 28, 2006

The Candle 7-28-06

I know I'm but a candle,
pulled from a little box,
and set among the vexing thorns
in this big world of rocks.
Then being weary, I sat down
in shading of a tree -
and there in shadow of my sin,
I sat in misery.

I thought I had the answers too,
but did not have the spark.
I sat alone in torment then -
cold, ignorant, dark.
I was an unlit candle
and not worth anything
until one day I saw the light -
from under thorns, a King!

I sat among the shadows, black -
but flicker in His Word
had stunned me when it whispered -
and still, small voice I heard.
That Light had died for just three days,
but showered me with grace,
and love was lit throughout the world,
to all the human race.

When I stepped out and saw the light
from under that old tree,
right then was lit with flames of hope -
which made me wholly free!
Oh yes, a strange thing happened -
and happened long ago.
My ears could hear, my eyes could see,
His warmth in all its glow.

My heart was lit and came to life -
though just a humble light -
but with the flames from all of us,
He shines so very bright.
I light the places where I go.
It is my job you see,
to be a Christian candle.
There's nothing else to be.

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

John 8:12
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “ I am the Light of the world;
he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."

John 12:46
" I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.”


July 26, 2006

Consider it 7-26-06

Consider it a privilege –
For not one prayer to Heaven is unheard.

Consider it helpful -
For those times you’re taught by God's Word.

Consider it love -
For His grace is sufficient for all.

Consider it joyous -
For His wonders.

Consider it peaceful -
For seeing His forgiveness.

Consider it patience -
For those times you instruct others.

Consider it kind -
For helping those in need.

Consider it good -
For experiencing trials.

Consider it faithful -
For being a servant of God.

Consider it worthy -
For being a child of God.

Consider anything at all -
For no one in the graveyard can.

©2006 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
